Educadora webshop has customer service and safe shopping in high priority.

Trusted and safe online shopping

Since 2017 Educadora webshop is affiliated with WEBWINKELKEUR. Webwinkel keur is a quality mark for webshops. WebwinkelKeur is the quality mark that brings more transparency and security to the market of online shopping. You, the customer, rate our members so we know how they perform in practice. In this way, online stores are reviewed by both you and us. So double the security!

With a webshop connected to WebwinkelKeur you have the assurance that:

✓ Address details have been checked by us

✓ Contact information such as phone, email, KVK and address are easy to find

✓ You can make use of your 14 days reflection period without any problems

You will have your money back within 14 days of return

✓ Prices are clearly stated

✓ We may mediate disputes or make a binding ruling through

✓ You can share and view real customer reviews about the web store

✓ The web store has agreed to the WebwinkelKeur code of conduct

Are you satisfied?

Are you satisfied with our services and our products, please leave a review on our website, on the site of Webwinkelkeur (click on the banner above) and share your experiences via social media and in your circle of friends. Follow us on Facebook and rate us on facebook Thank you!

Are you dissatisfied?

Please contact us by email or phone. I would like to see, together with you, what I can do with your complaint to ensure that you can once again feel satisfied with our services and products.

Would you like to return your product?

It may happen that the product is disappointing and you wish to return it. You can. Read here our detailed information on how to return your product.
