Some children are hypersensitive or under-sensitive to certain sensory stimuli.
Perhaps you notice that your child is more sensitive than others? You may be searching for how best to help your child feel better about himself. You may be wondering where the behavior is coming from and how you can help your child.

In our knowledge base you will find a wide range of articles written by me, orthopedagogue (specializing in stimulus processing problems) about stimulus processing (and stimulus processing problems), ADHD and autism.
The knowledge base below is divided into a number of categories under which you will find various articles. Where applicable, you will also find links in the articles to relevant blogs on our website.
Chew chains and chew jewelry
Would you like to learn more about chew chains for children? If so, you’ll find several articles here that address what chew jewelry is, what its benefits are, and who it’s suitable for.
- What are chewing jewelry?
- Why do children chew on pencils and sleeves?
- Why use a chew toy for your child?
- What are bite chains made of?
- Buying a chew chain, what should I look for?
- What are cool chew chains for boys?
- What chew jewelry is fun for girls?
- Which chewing jewelry is suitable for adults?
Chewing and chewing needs
Some (older) children still chew or bite on toys, pencils or clothing. You probably recognize it in your child. During an unguarded moment in front of the TV, the strings of the sweater or shirt collar go into the mouth.
- What is Chewing Needs?
- Telling off nail biting: how do I stop my child from biting nails?
- Chewing needs in intellectual disabilities
Stimulus Processing
What is excitation processing? How do you recognize if your child has an irritant processing problem? And what is actually meant by over-stimulation? In the links below, I’ll give you more information about excitability and related topics.
- What is excitation processing?
- Is my child overstimulated?
- What is understimulation?
- How do I help my overstimulated child?
- What is a meltdown in overstimulation?
- What are recommended books on excitability?
- What are the main signs of impaired stimulus processing?
- What are excitation processing problems?
- How do you help your child de-stimulate?
Sensory information processing
- What is sensory information processing?
- What are characteristics of sensory information processing problems?
- The most read books on sensory information processing
High Sensitivity
- What is high sensitivity?
- Is my child hypersensitive?
- Is my child highly sensitive or does he have an irritant processing problem?
- Tools for sensitive children
- What is giftedness?
- What are challenging toys for a gifted child?
- What are similarities of giftedness and excitability?
- What is autism?
- Autism and overstimulation
- What are some interesting books about Autism and stimulus processing?
- Why is structure important for your child with autism?
- What is Stimming?
- Handy stimtoys
- Autism and stimming
- What are fidget toys?
- Autism toys, what fits my child?
- What is ADHD?
- Top 5 fidgets to focus on
- How do I ensure a good morning routine for my child with ADHD?
- Effect of Sleep and Exercise on the Brain
Social Development
- How do I teach my child to deal with emotions?
- What tools support children in expressing emotions?
Toys and development
- What are sensory toys?
- What is the importance of sensopathic play?
- What toys help with motor development?
- What are challenging educational toys for a toddler?
- What are challenging toys to stimulate touch?
- What are some fun toys for the visually impaired?
- Sensory toys for children with intellectual disabilities
Fidget Toys
- What are fidget toys?
- What are fidget toys?
- De-stimulate and regulate on the go
- Fidget toys why so popular?
Vision of Play and Toys
- Montessori toys, what is it?
- What is loose parts play?
- What materials are suitable for loose parts play?
- What is moving learning?
- What materials are appropriate for moving learning?
Sensory Development
- What are our 8 senses?
- What is auditory stimulus processing?
- What is visual stimulus processing?
- What is tactile stimulus processing?
- What is the vestibular system?
- What is interoception?
- Scent and stimulus processing
- What is proprioception?