Highly sensitive children often have difficulty learning to express emotions. Emotions are often experienced intensely by sensitive children. As a parent, but also as a professional, it is a challenge to support sensitive children in learning to deal with their strong feelings.
[Read here about regulating emotions in gifted children]
In this article, I will discuss a number of tools you can use when you have a child who is easily overwhelmed by intense emotions. The products can also be used with children who find it difficult to talk about emotions, such as a child with autism or ADHD.
The emotion bracelet from chewigem is a bracelet that has a green and a red side. On the red side is an angry smiley. Your child visibly wears this color outside, which means that your child is not feeling well. With the green color facing out, your child can indicate that things are going well and your child is open to a conversation.
Practice with your child by naming how your child feels and asking them to adjust the bracelet accordingly. In the classroom, the bracelet can send a signal to the teacher so that the teacher knows that your child wants to be left alone for a while (red color)
Spelenderwijs kan er met deze set kussens (senseez emotionables) waarop diverse emoties staan afgebeeld, gewerkt worden aan het verkennen van de basisemoties. Gebruik de kussens in de kinderopvang of de kleuterklas. Laat een kindje het kussen pakken wat zijn of haar gevoel het beste weer geeft. Of geef een kindje het kussen ‘boos’ en laat het kindje vertellen over een situatie waarin hij of zij boos was. Een ander hulpmiddel wat tevens gebruikt kan worden in een groep of gewoon thuis zijn de pittenzakken ‘mijn gevoelens .
The emotied die can be used in various ways. You can let your child use the dice to indicate how he/she feels. You can also talk to your child about emotions. Have your child roll the dice and ask when your child felt the way the die depicts. The dice is a great tool for coaching.
Everyone knows the primary emotions: angry, happy, sadness and fear. But there are also all kinds of nuances, such as disappointed or relieved, shocked or proud. These feelings are usually the result of what you think; of what you think is true. It is helpful if you understand exactly what your feelings are and what you think exactly. Because if you consciously know what you are thinking, you can also decide to think something else. This can make you feel different.
What do you feel? What do you think? is a tool for child coaches to help them identify and understand their feelings.
Who doesn’t know it yet.. the color sample. The books of the color monster, but also the color monster cuddly toys and the color monster game are great supporting material to use with preschoolers to discuss the theme of feelings. The game can also be used as a child therapist in a therapy session.
Do you find it difficult to deal with the fluctuating emotions of your sensitive child? Then also read this article on how you can support your child in emotion regulation .
With the emotion stones you can visually talk to children about feelings. They can pick out the feelings they know. You can give them a stone with a feeling and question when they felt that way. The self-regulation stones are also a great tool. You can also talk to children about the strategy they can use to deal with feelings, for example in the event of anger or sadness.
You can also use the books of Slaapklets to support children in expressing their feelings. After all, you look back on the day every evening and ask your child about the pleasant and less pleasant moments. You also teach your child to reflect on his feelings.
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