Why is a sand and water table indispensable in the education of your child? Read more about a sand table and its positive properties for your child’s development here!
What is a sand and or water table?
The sand table
A sand & water table is the perfect combination between splashing in the water and building castles in the sand. Usually a sand and water table is made of plastic or wood. For every garden and in every house there is a suitable sand table. With a sand table, your child will enjoy himself for hours, even indoors.
Some sand tables are easy to close by means of a lid and can also be used as a table. At a sand table there is enough space for several children; this way your children also learn to play well together.
The water table
In good weather, a water table is ideal. even by small children playing along. For hours, children can have fun with water tables and matching items such as trays, watering cans, boats etc.
Sand and water table combination
Various tables can also be used as a combination; one container with sand, the other with water. Take a look at ikea.
You can also choose to make your own sand or water table, and there are also sand and water tables with light!

Why is the sand and water table indispensable?
Development of sensorimotor skills
Sensory motor skills are a contraction of sensory and motor skills. Sensory means: gaining stimuli with the senses, hearing, smelling, feeling, tasting and seeing. Motor skills means: the ability to move. These two skills together ensure, for example, that you can catch a ball: you see the ball coming, you stick out your arms and catch the ball. Everyone knows that young children often put things in their mouths. They are then exploring the characteristics of an object: is it hard, soft, hot, cold, smooth, rough, etc. This way the child can imagine how something feels, tastes, and what it sounds like when you drop it.
Effect on the entire development of your child
Sensorimotor development is very important for the overall development of children. Through (sensory) motor skills, children get to know their own body, and through their own body the world around them. A disturbed (sensory) motor development can also have problems in language, numeracy development and social development.
A sand and water table offers children a lot of exercise opportunities in the field of sensor motor skills. After all, instead of sand, you can also introduce your child to other materials such as buckwheat shells, colored rice, water pearls, colored macaroni etc.
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