As an SI therapist and teacher at SI courses, I am always looking for new products around this matter. I follow Educadora closely to stay informed about new products such as the senseez cushions.
It is therefore nice to be able to write a blog and share my experience with Senseez.
Senseez vibrating cushions
First of all, the Senseez cushions. I have had these vibrating pads in practice for about half a year now and use them a lot in my treatments, both for advice at home and during a hands-on treatment in the practice.
What are they and suitable for whom?
The Senseez are cushions with a vibrating core. They are quite large, like a seat cushion and small like a handy cuddly toy. I find them applicable to a large target group, from multiple handicapped children to gifted children.
If there is a need for a regulatory stimulus, this vibrating pad is a nice additional alternative.
You may be familiar with the weighted pillows and blankets. I also use them a lot as a means of self-regulation. However, this vibrating pad is a nice addition to your Sensory activities program.
Senseez vibrating pillows and stuffed animals for children
Senseez Soothables – massage cuddly toy€ 32,90
Senseez Originals€ 59,95
Senseez Touchables€ 59,95
When do you use the vibrating pillows?
In the guidance of children, you always want to have a range of regulatory techniques and activities, which sometimes boost and sometimes dampen.
Vibration is a strong regulatory stimulus. It gives a different stimulus to the internal senses than weighting alone. This can be nice to relax. I always combine it with various other regulatory stimuli, e.g. listening to a quiet music or a soft blanket.
With several clients of mine there is a Senseez pillow in the time-in place: a place in the house where you can become calm.
I also use the senseez in massage techniques, again around that regulating effect.
Finally, I use the vibrating pad during the treatment in a course, e.g. also with a stimulus-seeking child. It is then a nice alternation between tactile (touch) stimuli.
The senseez vibrating cushions are washable and feel very soft, wonderful!
Use Senseez at home, in practice or at school
The senseez vibrating cushions are a nice addition for your practice and for at home; for both a stimulus-seeking and a stimulus-sensitive child!
But just as with the vibrating cushions, it is important to have a good overview of what there are cushioning and what uplifting strategies are for that client.
Only then do these tools work well in a client’s daily life and offer balanced sensory stimulus processing!
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