What is happy senso?
Happy Senso is a gel with multisensory properties.
This sensory gel or foam can be heard, felt and seen. The gel also has a cooling effect on the skin.
A fantastic product for sensory stimulation.
Different incentives in one! Smell, sight, tactile and auditory! Spray the happy senso on your hand and feel the tingling on the skin. The soap immediately begins to crackle as soon as it comes into contact with the skin and is slowly rubbed out (the slower, the better). The fresh scent gives an extra sensory stimulus. A sensory feast!
Happy senso as a sensory game
Happy senso is very suitable for sensopathic play. Put it in a plastic container and add plastic figures if necessary. Let your child grab, feel and rub it. This way your child can enjoy wonderful sensory play! This way children learn to explore their senses in play form!
Happy Senso is wonderful to use in the stimulation of children with a disability or children with stimulus processing problems such as autism. They can become fascinated by the many impressions.
3 Play tips with Happy Senso
Play tip Happy Senso 1
First apply the product on the table, so children can gently touch it, only when they are used to it can you apply something to the arms or palm. It is fun to use on the group and provides eyes full of brilliance and enthusiasm and beautiful contact moments with children as well as with the elderly.
Play tip Happy Senso 2
Spray a surface full of happy senso and start writing in it. The child can do this himself or you can draw in the foam together with your child. It doesn’t have to represent anything, but by moving the fingers through the happy senso, all kinds of figures are created.
Smearing on the table, squeezing the happy senso between the hands and then clapping the hands.
Play tip Happy Senso 3
Writing numbers or making sums? For example, draw a number of shapes in the happy senso and let the children count how many shapes are in it. Have the children write the correct number in the happy senso.
You can have the children all write letters in the shaving cream. For example, start with the letter of the week. What does it look like and how can you write it? You can have the children write words in the foam.
Happy senso in therapy
The sensory gel, happy senso, is extremely suitable for use in therapy form, for example by SI therapist, speech therapist, occupational therapist. But also at a treatment group or just at home!