

The hidden benefits of weighted hugs – and blankets

Find peace with a weighted hug In a world that often feels overwhelming, it can be difficult for children to find moments […]

Chewing Need in Dementia

Chewing needs in dementia can be recognized by sucking or chewing on sleeves and materials. But it is not nice, wet cuffs […]

Tips for Restlessness and Irritability in Dementia

Restlessness and irritability in dementia is common. The use of sensory products can therefore be effective in reducing experienced restlessness and […]

Dementia and stimulus processing

Sensory Information Processing is the collaboration between our senses and purposeful movement; In other words, between our way of perceiving and our […]

Stimulating the Senses in Dementia

What is the importance of stimulating the senses by, for example, sensory play material in people with dementia? Which sensory products can […]

Aids for dementia

People with dementia can be irritable and agitated, people with dementia sometimes experience depressed moods and become more and more introverted as […]

Snoezelen and dementia

Snoezelen in dementia, fortunately more and more attention is being paid to the importance of snoezelen among this target group. And more […]